2006-04-24 | Jamsessie, ‘t Oude Pothuys, UTRECHT
2006-05-06 | Oosterkade, UTRECHT
2006-05-17 | Café Borra, AMERSFOORT
2006-06-06 | Lazy Sunday, Joined gig with Phinx, Park Lepelenburg, UTRECHT
2006-06-22 | Girls ‘n Strings, Café Bax, AMSTERDAM
2006-07-30 | KHL Singer-songwriters avond (SOLO), AMSTERDAM
2006-09-01 | KHL Singer-songwriters avond (SOLO), AMSTERDAM
2006-11-05 | BG-22-24, The Young Art Lab (SOLO), ALMERE
2006-11-11 | Huiskamerconcert (SOLO), Woongroep De Bedoeling, NIEUWEGEIN
2006-12-03 | KHL Singer-songwriters avond (SOLO), AMSTERDAM
2006-12-13 | Mooie Liedjes Festival (SOLO), Sound Vision Studio, ARNHEM